From the Editor’s Desk

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Mistakes are part and parcel of the human experience. That’s why everyone accepts that “to err is human”. But accepting a mistake and living with it are two different things. As a business owner, you know that your workers will always make mistakes, simply because they are human and not machines. However, you also know that the consequences of these mistakes can be potentially catastrophic for your firm and its stakeholders, including customers.

Documentation mistakes are particularly common in the modern business landscape. A few small and occasional mistakes can be ignored. But what if one of your staff members makes a serious mistake in a contract? A will? An agreement? A subpoena? Errors in legal documents or documents with some kind of legal standing can be a serious problem for your company.

You can train your people not to make such mistakes. But there’s still no guarantee that they will never make them because as we said earlier, they are human. So how can you fix documentation errors and minimise the chances that an error will go through and bite you later?

Simple answer: technology!

Documentation software can help you with proofreading and repair. Our favourite is Litera Check. Litera Check provides a simple way to identify and repair errors in legal documents in just a few minutes. The software speeds up the review process so you and your team no longer have to spend hours or days fixing problems. Instead, you get clean, error-free contracts and agreements quickly so you can get going with other important tasks, such as talking to clients and moving cases forward.

Want to know how Litera Check can benefit your company and document workflows? Contact the team @ Prime Infotech. They will show you how this product can help you analyse, proofread, and repair documents to improve turnaround times and more importantly, eliminate the burden of repetitive (and boring!) work.